Top 10 Tips for Measuring and Tracking Employee Productivity Remotely
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Top 10 Tips for Measuring and Tracking Employee Productivity Remotely

The last 9-10 months have been very testing for employers and employees across the world. The Covid pandemic ensured that social distancing had to be maintained strictly. Companies had to resort to asking their employees to work from home as there was no question of them coming to the office and reporting. Transport systems were not fully functional and it did not make sense asking people to report to work at office.

But having made this adjustment, it became and is necessary to monitor and track employees for their productivity when working from home.  Visit this site

Here are 10 tips on how to go about it.

  1. a) It is vital to let the employees know clearly what is expected of them. This includes the work to be performed along with deadlines and status reports as per need. Even at office, it is not as if employees are productive all the 8 hours. Hence setting realistic work expectations and deadlines would be great.
  2. b) A regular feedback session with the employees working from home in the form of a monthly offline meeting is very useful. It helps understanding the employees, the issues faced and you can reset goals accordingly.
  3. c) Feedback from employees as well as peers and others in similar situations along with other feedback from seniors on how everybody is coping is also very important. It will help motivate employees and they will not feel they are alone in this new situation.
  4. d) A good time remote tracking software for computers that seeks to help employees manage their time at home rather than be seen as a monitoring one will help a lot. Employees will appreciate when they are taught through the software how to manage their time.
  5. e) Monitoring the digital activities of the employees working from home is useful in order to let them know about how social media and other such distractions can waste their valuable time. Sharing such reports will enable them to make the changes required in their working behaviour.
  6. f) Enabling employees to seek assistance from a good project management tool will help them see the progress they are making and where they need to catch up.
  7. g) Emphasis should be on the qualitative aspect instead of just quantity of work.
  8. h) The measurement of performance metrics should be customised to the business of the company and should not be a generic one.
  9. i) Employees should feel they are being trusted by their bosses and that is something the seniors should convey effectively to them.
  10. j) All assistance should be provided by the company to employees to make the work from home a success. More info can be read here